life as a music therapist

3 Ways to Get Your Own Dose of Music Therapy

When I used to work in a hospital, I got to hear all kind of “how to take this pill” abbreviations. I hear “p.o.” which means orally, “i.m.” for a shot in the muscle, “b.i.d.” is twice a day, and “t.i.d.” means three times daily.

Remembering hearing these abbreviations got me to thinking “how would one […]

By |June 23rd, 2011|Blog|0 Comments

A Story That You Need to Hear about Music Therapy and Autism

I’ve often thought about how it would be to go through the day without having to explain to someone what it is that I do. I wondered how it would feel to answer the question “So what do you do for a living?” with a one or two word phrase and have the conversation end […]

By |June 6th, 2011|Blog|2 Comments

How to Not Be A Confused Student/Intern/New Professional

Dear Students,

Have you ever tried something new only to find that you had all the answers and executed all associated tasks flawlessly? Have you found yourself a total and complete natural ready to leap to the top of the professional heap at the mere mention of you chosen path?

The answer for most of us is […]

By |June 2nd, 2011|Blog|0 Comments

Progress and Documentation

Oh how time makes fools of us all.

Sometimes it seems as if there is too much time. Other times it seems that it is going by far too quickly!

Yesterday, when I thought I had time to sit down and blog, I asked my twitter followers what they wanted to hear about. Carolyn Daschinger responded that […]

By |May 17th, 2011|Blog|1 Comment

How to use your Fear

Fear comes in all shapes and sizes and is unique in its presentation for each of us.

We have the common physiological responses to fear that we can’t control for, but how we respond psychologically to fear is something we do have a degree of control over. There are those who get a thrill out of […]

By |May 11th, 2011|Blog|6 Comments

Guest Post: To Jump or Not To Jump? A Student’s Transformation

This is a guest post by Cassidy Smith, an undergraduate student at The Florida State University.

Finally, my first music therapy conference. I had regretted missing out on this ever since I’d begun hearing about it from my fellow students, returning full of stories and passion for music therapy. I was all ready; I’d found a […]

By |April 7th, 2011|Blog|3 Comments

Shagging at SER-AMTA

As some of you might have noticed from my previous two blog posts (Conferences and Speaking to Students: Scary!), I had the pleasure of spending last week amongst 200 colleagues and students at the South Eastern Region’s American Music Therapy Association Conference.

As I stated in another post, conference is a great time to learn and […]

By |April 5th, 2011|Blog|4 Comments


It’s that time of year! If you are a music therapist in the United States, you very likely have (or already had) a conference come up for your region. Here in the South East, we are all heading to Spartanburg, South Carolina for the South Eastern Region of the American Music Therapy Association’s annual conference!

Since […]

By |March 28th, 2011|Blog|3 Comments

Bloom Where You’re Planted: Connections between Yoga and Music Therapy

Thoughts of bendy people. Deep breaths in and out. Uncomfortable positions and postures.

This is what many people–myself included before I took it up–think of when yoga is mentioned.

As I have grown as a therapist and yoga practitioner, I’ve found one concept that keeps recurring to me:

Bloom Where You Are Planted.

Bloom Where You’re Planted is a […]

By |March 24th, 2011|Blog|5 Comments

What a WEEK

I’m really glad I managed to pump out three blog posts last week.

This is mainly an “I’m sorry loyal readership for being a disappointing blogger” post. Hopefully we will be back again next week in full force!

I have a few blog posts in my head, but I haven’t managed to commit them to the blog […]

By |March 3rd, 2011|Blog|3 Comments