life as a music therapist

A New Years Indulgence

Words cannot begin to describe 2011.

With the opening of each new year, I clear my head and envision my hopes and dreams. Doing that in December of 2010 was difficult. I had no idea what to expect. In the previous months I had just opened a business, quit my job, celebrated a year of marriage, […]

By |December 28th, 2011|Blog|3 Comments

On Gratitude and Opportunities

I am extremely fortunate.

I’m fortunate and grateful for many things in my life, but lately I’ve been thinking about the amazing support I have in my profession.

In my newsletter that went out today, I wrote about my excitement regarding the upcoming 2011 American Music Therapy Association conference.

The coolest thing to me is that I couldn’t […]

By |October 31st, 2011|Blog|3 Comments

License to Hum: Holiday Tunes

“Is it too early for Christmas music?”

“Dear artists who release holiday albums today: I HATE YOU”

“I’m downloading this Christmas album, when is it appropriate to begin listening to it?”

There’s no doubt about it, the holidays are coming! I’ve watched my various social media streams become full of comments about holiday music, and I will admit, […]

By |October 25th, 2011|Blog|2 Comments

The Little Boy Who Shared

Once upon a time, there was a little boy. He was a very smart and nice little boy and liked to make jokes and hear people laugh.

In addition to his intellect and personality, this little boy had autism. For him, this meant that he occasionally had difficulty playing with others. He would sometimes pick the […]

By |September 30th, 2011|Blog|4 Comments

The Perks of Being Involved

It’s getting to be that time of the year again!

Here in South Carolina, our professional association, The Music Therapy Association of South Carolina, meets twice a year. Meetings happen in the Fall and in the Spring, and we move the location about the state so that our professionals have a good chance of attending at […]

By |September 13th, 2011|Blog|0 Comments

Key Changes is a Year Old | a look at the goals

Today marks the end of Key Changes Music Therapy Services first year in operation.

What a ride it has been. I’ve worried, I’ve cried, I’ve panicked, I’ve wanted to quit. I’ve gotten really excited, I’ve worked hard, I’ve been enthusiastic, I’ve made some pretty far-fetched projections.

In the early days of my blogging, I compared having a […]

By |August 18th, 2011|Blog|2 Comments

Goal Setting’s Forgotten Step

We’ve all seen the goal setting worksheets before. They are decorated with ladders, or roads with pit stops, or steps, or some other combination of supposedly encouraging and affirming imagery.

While these are great, and I’ve used them a thousand times to break down seemingly insurmountable tasks, did you know that they are incomplete?

The reality is […]

By |August 16th, 2011|Blog|4 Comments

What is in your Back Up Bin?

All too often, things do not go our way.

I am writing this on Wednesday, and I just sat down at my computer to edit the video on Rhythm Sticks that was due to go out today (Thursday. I booted up my laptop, opened Camtasia, imported the video file, clicked play, and discovered I was blue.

Think […]

By |July 28th, 2011|Blog|0 Comments

Series: Easy Tips for Using Music at Home

Parents use music with their children all the time! I don’t know of any parents who never sang, rocked, or hummed to their child at some point in time. The plethora of children’s shows on television makes finding songs to use with your children easy, but have you ever made music with your child without […]

By |July 14th, 2011|Blog|4 Comments

How to Find a Music Therapist- A Vignette

As you are sitting in the speech therapist’s waiting room, pretending to read yet another US Weekly, your attention wanders between the clock, thinking of what to cook for dinner, and snippets of the conversations going on around you. As you drift from one thing to another, suddenly your attention focuses on a conversation that […]

By |July 11th, 2011|Blog|0 Comments