
A Story That You Need to Hear about Music Therapy and Autism

I’ve often thought about how it would be to go through the day without having to explain to someone what it is that I do. I wondered how it would feel to answer the question “So what do you do for a living?” with a one or two word phrase and have the conversation end […]

By |June 6th, 2011|Blog|2 Comments

Music Therapy and Speech

I’ve been admittedly slack about blogging lately. I’ll confess that I’ve been caught up in reading other people’s blog posts!

It’s no mystery to anyone who spends any amount of time with me that my primary instrument in school was voice. I am constantly singing or humming (much to my husband’s annoyance) any number of random […]

By |December 1st, 2010|Blog|0 Comments

Your Untapped Marketing Resources

This fits in with my Starting a Business series, but I’m listing it separately because I haven’t gotten to that part of the series yet. I’ve been lazy, I know, but we’ll discuss start up funding options later this week!

One of the hardest (and most fun, in my opinion) things about running a business is […]

By |October 9th, 2010|Blog|3 Comments


We have had some weather here in South Carolina! First it was no rain for a month, then two days of downpour. The sun came out again briefly yesterday and then back to rain again. I’ve been itching to sing the Cloudy Day song courtesy of Rachel Rambach over at Listen and Learn Music, but […]

By |September 29th, 2010|Blog|0 Comments

Music Therapy and Autism at West Music

So I have to admit something.I love West Music. It is where I get almost all of my instruments, it’s where I go when I’m bored and wish I had more money, and they have some of the COOLEST things!Twitter was atwitter today with links to this video about West Music and their work with […]

By |August 31st, 2010|Blog|0 Comments