
What is an Adaptive Lesson?!? (Part 1)

Here at Key Changes speech and music therapy are not the only services we offer. Our music therapists are also very talented musicians that specialize in teaching adaptive lessons for individuals both with and without special needs. For more information check out this blog post outlining the difference between music education and music therapy.

So what […]

By |November 6th, 2015|Blog, Why Music Therapy Works|0 Comments

Fun Facts about Music and Your Brain

Our brains are one of nature’s most incredible and complex pieces of machinery. Even to this day scientists, researchers, and doctors are still trying to unlock it’s secrets and mysteries.

As a therapist, I love to see how the brain responds to different music based interventions and therapeutic strategies I use to work on goals and […]

By |September 14th, 2015|Blog, Why Music Therapy Works|1 Comment

Now Introducing……Key Changes on Pinterest

As social media grows the many types of apps and platforms we use to connect through the web like Twitter, Facebook, Linkdin, Snapchat, Tumblr, and Vines continues to grow as well. All of the tech tools we have today can be overwhelming, not to mention keeping up with posting, liking, poking, sharing, commenting, and snapping. […]

By |August 27th, 2015|Blog|0 Comments

Express Yourself!

In music therapy, professionals focus on a variety of domains including fine and gross motor skills, emotional recognition and regulation, cognitive skills, behavioral skills and social skills. One of my favorite areas to address using music is the communication domain. In my experience, a person’s inability to communicate affects how they cope with frustration, challenging […]

By |July 30th, 2015|Blog, Why Music Therapy Works|0 Comments

Move to the Music

In the midst of planning a group session this week, I found my mind going blank on what I could do with them. So, I began rummaging through all of my resources to see what I haven’t used in a while, when I stumbled on an activity that focuses on several areas I wanted to […]

By |February 24th, 2014|Blog|0 Comments

Boundless Music Therapy in Columbia, SC

Last week, Dr. Frank Clark, who I have had the pleasure of chatting with, had a chamber concert in the lobby of the Palmetto Health Children’s Hospital, not 3 minutes from my house. When I saw the article, I flew to the internet to get in touch with him and find out more information! He […]

By |February 17th, 2014|Blog|0 Comments

What Does the MT Say?

In the music therapy world, January is Social Media Advocacy Month!

The theme this year is “We are…” and those of us who engage in social media were tasked with writing, videoing, etc to distinguish ourselves from other professions thatwe often work alongside.

In honor of the month, we decided to record our first ever music video, […]

By |January 28th, 2014|Blog|1 Comment

Why Write Songs in Music Therapy?

One of my favorite interventions to use in my sessions with not just one or two of my clients, but ALL of my clients is songwriting. I love being a part of the creativity and I love watching songs develop and progress into a work of art from literally nothing.

First, let me give you a […]

By |January 16th, 2014|Blog|3 Comments

Who Do Music Therapists Work With? A Few Examples

Music Therapy can benefit everyone.
That’s a pretty bold statement, don’t you think? But it is true on so many different levels.

Often times I get asked, “What is Music Therapy?” After providing my concise but informal definition the question that often follows is, “So, what clients do you work with?” Though I can answer this question […]

By |January 6th, 2014|Blog|0 Comments

Review for 2013, Intentions for 2014

2013 has been a whirlwind of a year. I know that I don’t just speak for myself, but for Laura and Janelle as well, when I say that 2013 has brought some pretty astounding change to Key Changes, as well as to the families and facilities that we serve.

At the end of the year, I […]

By |December 30th, 2013|Blog|2 Comments