As social media grows the many types of apps and platforms we use to connect through the web like Twitter, Facebook, Linkdin, Snapchat, Tumblr, and Vines continues to grow as well. All of the tech tools we have today can be overwhelming, not to mention keeping up with posting, liking, poking, sharing, commenting, and snapping. However, one platform that I love to use actually helps me stay organized. The platform, or app, is Pinterest. Not only do I use Pinterest to “pin,” or bookmark and categorize website links for personal use, but to get fresh ideas for activities I can use in my sessions. One really great “pin” I found that I have used both with my own son and with my clients is the following pin (pictured below).
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As a mom, I love the no mess, no clean up aspect of this idea. As a therapist, I love how this is one way to introduce new sensory input to individuals on the Autism Spectrum, or that have a diagnosis of Sensory Processing Disorder or SPD. It’s a great way to let your kids explore new textures, as well as, their creativity.







Do you ever have times in which managing your child’s behavior can be trying? Here is another great “pin” I found helpful, as my son has transitioned into the dreaded “threenager.” (also pictured below)

PInterest 2










Pinterest is also a great tool to connect with other individuals that share certain interests, whether it be cooking, crafting, or sharing the latest apps that are specifically designed for individuals with Autism, Aphasia, and other special needs and diagnoses.


At Key Changes Therapy, our therapists strive to provide activities and exercises that can easily be used in the home. One challenge our clients often have is transferring and generalizing skills and concepts they have acquired and mastered in therapy to their everyday lives. With this concern in mind, Key Changes Therapy is proud to announce their debut on Pinterest. On our Pinterest site, activities will be posted on a variety of goal-exclusive boards that have been created specifically for easy accessibility to parents and in your home. Click here to view our new Pinterest page or feel free to share your own finds in the comment section below!