Parents use music with their children all the time! I don’t know of any parents who never sang, rocked, or hummed to their child at some point in time. The plethora of children’s shows on television makes finding songs to use with your children easy, but have you ever made music with your child without the help of pre-produced materials?

A few weeks ago, I wrote about Building Your Rhythm Band on a Budget. I had some great responses to that post! One of my favorites came from fellow blogger and music therapist, Rachelle Norman. Rachelle provided me with a duh moment when she suggested I create some videos demonstrating ways that you can use the instruments I suggested in making music with your family!

Beginning on Monday, July 18th, I will be taking you through the instruments I described in Building Your Rhythm Band on a Budget and focusing on ways that you can use these instruments to create your own music and songs!

Let me know in the comments if you have any particular ideas or questions you’d like to see answered in these videos!

Easy Tips for Using Music at Home: Drums

Easy Tips for Using Music at Home: Shakers

Easy Tips for Using Music at Home: Xylophone

Easy Tips for Using Music at Home: Rhythm Sticks (Coming soon!)