Ah, it’s a beautiful time of year. The air is crisp and clean, the leaves are brilliant colors, and off in Cleveland Ohio are over a thousand of my closest friends gathering to share and learn from each other about our wonderful profession.

Unfortunately, I am unable to attend this year, so it has me thinking ahead to our South Eastern Regional Conference coming up in the Spring. This year’s regional conference will be in Spartanburg, South Carolina! I’ve been lucky enough to have a small part to play in it’s planning.I love conferences because it gives me a chance to meet the people I’ve been talking to on twitter and in the blogosphere all year, learn new things, share what I know, and recharge on all the amazing energy of my colleagues.

A facebook post I made last night sparked some potential roommate planning, and this morning found me making a tribute video to national conference. If you haven’t realized as of yet, I have a bit of an odd sense of humor, so enjoy.
